Soul Contract Burning
Soul Contracts are the contracts between two souls which they form in various lifetimes. They are formed when we promise, take a vow or oath with passion in any lifetime. They are formed when we say sentences like these with lots of passion and emotions:-
I will always take care of you
I will always be with you
I will always serve you
We should be cautious of words like forever, always, for eternity etc. as they have the power to create a contract in space and time which can carry forward in different lifetimes.
These contracts may lead to unexplainable or obsessive situations in life. Like
Sometimes we know that person is engaged or not interested but still we are not able to let go.
Sometimes we are in difficult relationships but we are not able to come out of it.
Contracts can also cause physical pain.
Sometimes out of guilt also, we make contracts to allow other souls to take revenge on us. (This one is really nasty)
In this service, we will clear soul contracts with a specific person/soul. For breaking contracts, active participation of person in question is also required. We will provide you with a prayer to break these contracts on your own along with the healing. Prayer can be used on your own for all non-required contracts.
Please note that contracts do not break easily as they have been done at soul level therefore it may take some time and sessions to just break one contract.
PS:- All sessions will be remotely done.