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Principles of Healing
Healing works because of 2 basic principles :-
1. Body's Innate ability to heal itself :-
Body has this innate ability to heal anything provided it gets the right environment, nutrition and energy.
2. Whatever affects our aura also affects our physical body and vice versa:-
If we let our aura clouded by negative emotions, negative thoughts, toxic memories etc. it will affect our physical body as well.
This also means, if we take care of our aura and normalize energy flow, our physical body will start repairing itself.

Techniques of Healing
Cleansing and Energizing
Various Modalities of healing use different techniques but ultimately they all boil down to two simple concepts.
Cleansing then Energizing.
Cleansing old stagnant energy / emotions and Energizing with fresh positive prana.
Our Team has more than 10 years of experience in healing. We have worked on various cases from physical, emotional, mental, financial and even paranormal.
We mix and match different modalities and have created our own form of healing protocol which works best in almost all cases.
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